Title+Content Title Author No. Title Author Date 33 Terminating Permanent Spousal Support jklaw 12/11 32 Determining the Character of Interspousal Gifts jklaw 07/12 31 Eligibility to Collect a Spouse’s Retirement Benefits jklaw 06/14 30 Discovery in Post-Judgment Requests for Order jklaw 06/12 29 The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act jklaw 05/28 28 Considerations when Diving Individual Retirement Accounts in a Divorce jklaw 05/13 27 Considerations for Joinder and Consolidation in Family Law Cases jklaw 05/09 26 Divorce Actions in Family Court v. Marvin Actions in Civil Court jklaw 04/29 25 Reconciling a Parent’s Constitutional Free Speech Rights with the Domestic Violence Prevention Act jklaw 04/29 24 How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Affects California Support Orders jklaw 03/27 1 2 3 4 Write